新闻 & 事件
行长约翰·卡尼接见保罗·K. Weatherly奖政府. 约翰·C. 卡尼,小.是十大正规赌博平台大全(十大正规赌博平台大全)的长期支持者. 2024年5月获得Weatherly奖.
Meghan Eudy被评为2024年度中心幼儿教育家Eudy began her career 在学院 as an assistant teacher in the Owens CDC while pursuing her degree in early childhood education 在学院.
特拉华技术垒球赢得连续第四次地区锦标赛The Delaware Tech softball team headed into the spring 2024 season as the three-time defending region champion, 5月3日至4日,他们将前往默瑟县社区学院,捍卫他们的冠军头衔. 2种子. 这正是他们所做的.
Yearick被评为19区年度最佳男子曲棍球教练丹Yearick, 这是他担任特拉华理工大学男子曲棍球队主教练的第一年, was named 2024 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 19 Coach of the Year after guiding his squad to an undefeated season in league play. 该队赢得了地区冠军, 进入了北大西洋地区锦标赛的半决赛, 让五名球员进入了全区代表队, 包括年度最佳防守球员.
男子长曲棍球队的五名球员在所有地区队Delaware Tech men’s lacrosse placed five players on the 2024 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 19 All-Region Team, 加布·史密斯(中场)被评为本地区年度最佳防守球员.
欧文斯校园“星空,星空之夜”晚会有利于学生的成功特拉华理工大学欧文斯校区举办了一年一度的“星空”活动, Starry Night” Gala on April 27 to raise money to support the purchase of high-tech classroom equipment and scholarship opportunities for workforce training certificate programs and international education.
Dr. 贾斯汀·托马斯获得DAWN 2024年远见奖Dr. 贾丝廷娜托马斯, 十大正规赌博平台大全负责学术事务的副校长, 获得了特拉华州ACE妇女网络(DAWN)颁发的2024年远见奖.
丹尼斯·古奇入选特拉华理工大学欧文斯校园名人堂Denise Gooch was the youngest full-time employee on Delaware Tech’s “Southern Campus” when she was hired as a secretary for the “Evening Division” at just 19 years old.
詹妮弗•贝克获得PTK杰出学院管理者奖詹妮弗•贝克, 他是十大正规赌博平台大全斯坦顿校区学生事务主任, was among 23 individuals nationwide to be awarded the Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished College Administrator award for 2024.
特拉华理工学院为来自霍华德高中的1+1 IT学生举办迎新活动十大正规赌博平台大全 welcomed its first cohort of IT 1+1 students from Howard High School of Technology to the Orlando J. 小乔治。. 4月11日,在威尔明顿校区的一个迎新会议上.
特拉华理工大学赢得男子长曲棍球地区锦标赛Delaware Tech won the 2024 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 19 men’s lacrosse championship with a 13-12 victory over Sus性 County Community College (New Jersey) on April 24 at the DE Turf Sports Complex.
执法选择课程举行毕业典礼十大正规赌博平台大全’s criminal justice - law enforcement option (LEO) program held a graduation ceremony at the Terry Campus in 多佛 to celebrate students who completed the program’s 13-credit law enforcement practicum.
Construction Man年龄ment Technology Student Receives Award from Construction Financial Man年龄ment Association Delaware ChapterDelaware Tech student Joshua Michael Haines was recently recognized for his outstanding achievements in the Construction Man年龄ment Technology program.
特拉华科技公司在威廉佩恩高中推出病人护理技术员/护理途径项目美国银行的领导们, 十大正规赌博平台大全, and Colonial School District joined students at William Penn High School on April 8 to celebrate the launch of a new accelerated patient care technician/nursing pathway program.
视觉传播专业学生获得Adobe认证The Delaware Tech visual communications program celebrated its students who earned Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) certifications during 2023 by awarding Adobe Certification Celebration packets. 数据包, 由项目教师开发, 是基于等级系统的吗, 更多的认证和更高的分数导致更大的数据包.
学院在捐赠活动庆典上表彰杰出捐赠者Delaware Tech acknowledged and honored its distinguished donors with Celebration of 给 luncheons at both the 乔治敦大学 and 多佛 campuses. 在这些活动中, 奖学金获得者谈到了他们获得的经济援助如何改变了他们的生活, 捐助者有机会与获得他们慷慨资助的奖学金的学生见面.
特拉华科技举办第十届社交媒体大会十大正规赌博平台大全’s Social Media Conference returned for its 10th year at the Owens Campus in 乔治敦大学 on March 21, 提供亲自或虚拟参与的机会.
特拉华科技获得全国传播和营销奖十大正规赌博平台大全 earned two Paragon Awards from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR), 该奖项旨在表彰社区和技术学院在设计和传播方面的杰出成就. 这个全国性的比赛只对两年制大学的市场营销和公共关系专业的学生开放, 获奖者是从超过1个,来自全国社区大学的500个参赛项目.
特拉华理工大学庆祝Phi Theta Kappa入会仪式特拉华理工大学邀请329名学生加入Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), 两年制大学学生的国际荣誉协会, 在2024年3月举行的一系列PTK分会仪式期间.
第20届年度狂欢节筹款活动筹集了超过15万美元威明顿, DE – The Delaware Tech 斯坦顿 and 威明顿 campuses celebrated the 20th anniversary of “An Evening of Mardi Gras” on March 2, 这场活动招待了700多名客人,总收入超过150美元,创历史新高,000. 净收益将帮助有需要的学生支付学费, 书, 和其他必需品,而在特拉华理工大学.
特拉华州最高法院在特拉华理工大学欧文斯校区举行历史性的第一次苏塞克斯郡访问Delaware Tech hosted the Delaware Supreme Court 在学院’s Owens Campus in 乔治敦大学 on March 19 to increase outreach among the community and, 特别是, 给学生. 这是特拉华州最高法院法官首次在苏塞克斯县举行口头辩论.
Dr. 詹妮弗·克莱蒙斯是《十大正规赌博平台大全》的合著者Dr. 詹妮弗·克莱蒙斯, 能源技术部主任, has coauthored an energy textbook after being presented the opportunity through an outreach effort to secure more authoritative and knowledgeable female authors in the energy field.
特拉华科技与特拉华大学合作提供海上风电培训十大正规赌博平台大全 has partnered with the University of Delaware to launch an offshore wind training initiative that started in January 2024.